Hello Rose,
I am also investing out of state. I am right now in the process of buying property in Lafayette, Indiana. My best advise would be, after you decided where to invest, to connect with a good property management company first. They are going to be taking care of your property. They can give advise on which area to buy, help you analyze your prospects, and prevent you from buying bad properties.
Here is a good example: Last week I found a "great deal" on hubzu.com, 2/1 1,100 sqft, 1206 S 18th St La Fayette, IN 47905, starting bid is $40,000, my PM said it could rent for $750. I was really excited so, I went ahead and put a bid for $40,000. Next day I decided to ask my PM if she could go and check the interior of the house, just in case. She did and, lo and behold, there was a broken pipe and the house was flooding. I did not purchase the property and it is back on hubzu.com.
Build relationships first then buy.
I chose Indiana for the better property taxes and I chose Lafayette because it is a smaller community and I personally like that better.
Good luck with everything, Rose.