Your pitch is going to be what sells him. The physical biz plan will be for your reference to help you. I don't know an investor alive who has been sold by (or even actually read, for that matter) a plan. He will invest in you, your ideas, your ambition and of course, if there is an opportunity to make money. I think the "you" factor is way more important than anything else. He will buy into you - "does this guy have the capacity and hustle to make this work under any circumstances?" That's what he's going to be looking for - YOU. If he's confident in you, he will also be confident you will make him money and he will trust you to get it done.
What constitutes a fair deal? Usually a fair deal comes about at the point where neither party is extremely pleased but each party is satisfied. If one party is too eager to sign on the bottom line, someone got screwed usually. That means one party is getting a significantly favorable deal over the other. Now if you are going to be the working partner and he's going to be the money guy without work, you need to make sure you get paid. Remember, once you make the deal you have to live with it so don't give away the farm just because the other guy's got money. You'll become miserable and disinterested and that will show up in your work eventually. You need to be happy with the deal so you stay motivated to make money for the both of you. If the money guy is very savvy he's probably been pitched a bunch of times before so you'll have your work cut out for you. DO NOT make promises you cannot keep. He will appreciate you more if you are completely upfront with him about everything you plan to do. You are partners after all. Good luck. I hope it works out for you.