@Vivana Hernanes a lot of questions. First, is your contract even assignable? Next, in the contract that YOU are now bound to, you should have an EMD deadline date, usually 3 days from the effective date (contract date) here in FL. If you place that $1000 EMD then back out, you could lose that money. If you do not make that $1000 EMD you agreed to on the contract when it was accepted, you have not fulfilled your obligation per the contract which if I was the seller, I'd run. Whoever the agent is that accepted your offer is not doing a very good job for his or her client. The objective is to close. If you have no intention on closing, you should let the agent know. Using someone else's deposit on a contract you signed could get very ugly quickly, especially if you cannot assign it in time. I'd tell you to talk to your broker but you're not licensed, and as stated above, could get you in very hot water and prevent you from ever getting a license in the future. When you assign a contract, a fully legit and secured contract, you are "selling" your rights under that contract to someone else and that person would then be bound to all the stipulations and contingencies of the contract you signed. I would imagine any buyer with any experience will analyze the contract carefully since they will be bound to it and if it's not fully executable or void or voidable, they'd run away. The agent should not have accepted your offer unless there was an EMD provision in the contract along WITH proof of funds. Are you sure you have an accepted offer on contract?