@Jeff Greenberg I think you said it best... invest where you feel comfortable.
@Michael Ran You bring up an interesting subject... the oil boom. I know this is a difficult question to answer but how long do you think it will last?
@Baltazar Camacho Thanks for the link, I've seen that article before and I've seen McAllen in another article recently as well. It ranked McAllen as one of the fastest growing small cities (categorized by population).
@Carlos Flores I'm looking at multifamily properties such as duplexes and larger... including apartment buildings if available. I'm also looking at commercial though I think commercial might be over my budget.
@Kasey Villareal Thanks for your message. Let's setup a meeting while I'm in town, I will message you.
@Anthony Gayden Thanks for your opinions... I see where you are coming from. Investing in a town like McAllen may not be for everyone. I guess that is the beauty of real estate investing... everyone gets in where they fit in. I'm still trying to figure out where I can fit in!
Overall I'm very excited about spending time in Texas next month. It seems to be a very dynamic state and I look forward to seeing the different opportunities that are available. I think everyone agrees that Austin is expensive but it will be nice to see what the city is all about as I have never been there before. San Antonio interests me and may be a more realistic "big city" to invest in right now for a higher cash flow. And of course I'm looking forward to visiting McAllen and seeing the rest of the RGV. I will even spend a couple days in Laredo but I hear that inventory is very limited now there. I'll probably also spend a couple days in Dallas though I don't think I'll make it to Houston... but maybe I should check it out too! I might end up with more questions than answers after this trip.