Thank you everyone for sharing your thought. Appreciate the sincerity.
Overall, my cash flow replaces my salary at the moment. I am at the cross road.
A few things go through my mind. Stay in the job and snowball all my mortgages and let life coast or get off a job still snowball slowly and live life slower.
Initially, when I purchased my first apartment building 10 years ago, I did it because I was curious. Also, I want to own thing and starting younger the better. It was different than my day job (the field) and I want to see if I can operate it. Then, I start buying 1 building every 2 years or so. I never really take it serious with rent rate optimization. Hence, I charge very low rent all these years. About 3 years ago, the house market went crazy. So, I sample jack up the rent drastically. All units are still filled up. Only then, I realize that my cash flow can easily replace my salary.
I have self manages all the units in the last 10 years, while working. It is not that bad. When units are vacant, I would spend a few weekends getting it ready.
I always wonder what can I unleash if I don’t have a job and go into it full time real estate. If I can accomplish more than 30 units and manage all of them seamlessly, while working full time and barely spend 10 hours a week doing it … what is the possibility that I am missing by being stuck in a job? Venture to the unexplored real estate area… maybe this 6-figure job is holding me down
Will I regret not giving myself an all in adventure ….
Does anyone ever run into this cross road?