I stopped by this morning to have the tenant sign a termination agreement and inspect the unit. He signed the agreement with a specified termination fee and a final inspection on Wednesday. An exterior door is destroyed, mirror in bathroom shattered, kitchen range need to be replaced, and the place is a mess, so its not going to be a cheap turnaround. Surprisingly our conversations have been very easy, I'm guessing cause he's stoned...
I am pretty comfortable with my screening process as I check: Credit, criminal, evictions, and bad checks. I require a copy of their drivers license, 2 previous pay stubs, I contact all references, and verify previous rental history. He was moving out of his fathers house, who cosigned on the apartment because he did not meet the minimum credit score requirements. His father is an account executive at a major corporation. He had not previous drug charges, so not sure how else I could have prevented this.
I was showing another apartment in that building today after I met with the tenant and they asked: "Does it always smell like weed in here?" My response: Yhey will be out on Wednesday, so please disregard the smell...
Thanks for the input everyone!