There are a lot of people making money in both of these areas however it isn't as easy as it was 2-3 years ago and the current demand exceeds the inventory so it is more of a seller's market. Both cities are also working on tenant friendly rental regulations so many landlords are watching closely to see what happens. You will also find that it is more neighborhood to neighborhood in certain areas so shopping by price may lead to to an area you are not wanting to invest.
The past few years investors have been able to achieve solid cash flow and they have also experienced nice growth in housing prices which as made the markets a target for local and out of state investors. Everyone has their own idea as to what a good investment is, I suggest you talk to a couple experienced realtors who work with investors so you can gauge their thoughts on whether you will be able to meet your expectations in this market. Feel free to send me a message if you would like some referrals as I am not on here as much during tax season.
Good luck!