Originally posted by @Athan Seyler:
I don't have the money yet for a down payment but I still want to be underwriting deals to help increase the odds of me finding the steal deal and get more efficient at doing so and understand the process more so. I see Loopnet is available but they seem to be the left overs in a sense. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can still look at the properties even though I don't have the money yet?
To back up what @Evan Polaski said, you can definitely underwrite deals on Loopnet, but now you know what bad deals look like. You can start start networking and find someone who is an expert in what you want to and use their experience to give you credibility with brokers. Or you can start building your investing pool through that networking and tell brokers you are working with investors. They then can start feeding you deals and you can get more comfortable with underwriting deals.
I've also found that a decent strategy is calling younger or more inexperienced brokers. There is a mutual understanding that you both are hustling and are starting out, so they are more likely to give you the time of day.
Either way, you do want to be honest with your capabilities but still be confident! There are stories where people's first deals are 100+ units but you need the team and know how to execute!