@Mark S.
the property you describe can be purchased all day long in Dayton OH for between $8,000 to $10,000 with up to $10,000 in repairs. Plumbing , Electric, HVAC repairs , Paint etc. If you are all in for Under $20,000 you can usually get $550 for a 2 bedroom and up to 700 for a 3 bedroom with one bath and a garage. don't plan to sell anytime soon and tenants will not be the trouble free kind. My last property in Dayton was purchased for 17,000 and I rehabbed for additional 10k with section 8 rental of $700 month the 50% rule would estimate a cash flow returning 15% ROI, I hope to do better if I can avoid vacancy but repairs have lived up to expectation. Your market may be much like mine in Dayton but even a few blocks can make a difference in these markets.
Check out Zillow or trulia if you don't have access to mls and look at recent sales. ignore valuations like zillows , zestimate the actual sales in the area will give you a feel for the market but it does not replace visiting and walking the neighborhood and talking to the neighbors.