JOIN MULTIFAMILY ATTORNEY CHARLES DOBENS & SECURITIES ATTORNEY JILLIAN SIDOTI on Weds., Feb. 24th for their LIVE, Free webinar to make sure YOU are ready for the big shifts ahead in the multifamily space! Don't miss out on the opportunities that await you! Register HERE
Here’s the full scoop on why and how the next big wave in multifamily is coming:
It doesn't matter how much money the government prints in an attempt to keep the economy afloat. The reality is that the stage was already set for shifts in multifamily marketplace and in money PRIOR to COVID-19. The pandemic may have just sped things up.
The population is aging and Baby Boomers are downsizing to more affordable and accessible solutions.17% of all Baby Boomers (ages 55 to 73) have less than $5k in retirement savings. Even scarier, only 16% of the overall population has in excess of $100,000 saved for retirement.
But where are people living and why does it matter?
RentCafé indicates the share of renters makes up 34% of America's general population and on a national level, since 2010, the number of renters has increased two times faster than the number of homeowners, climbing by 9.1% and 4.3%, respectively. There are more renters now than ever since 1965.
Nearly 12 million renters owed an average of $5,850 in back rent and utilities by January. In November 2020, 9 million renters said they were behind on rent, according to a Census Bureau survey.
What does this mean?
Simply, opportunity.
Will you be ready for the opportunity of the next multifamily wave?
In the next Multifamily Warroom webinar, Jillian and Charlie will discuss the shifts ahead and how you can take advantage of them.
In this free webinar, you will learn:
• How should you evaluate the markets based on the changing trends we see today?
• Is my market the right market to be in over the next ten years?
• What types of apartments will my customers be looking for by 2025 and how do I position my business for these changes?
See you there,
The Multifamily WarRoom