Even if you have little or no money you cannot be afraid of failing or messing up. In this business the only way to get better is by messing up a little and truly learning from that experience. It sucks, and it's not fun but in the end if you stick with it, put the work in and keep grinding you will succeed! Do not let fear of failure hold you back.
Action creates motivation! Just start doing it and you will see that it's not as hard as you are making it to be in your head.
My advice is to read as many books as possible, listen to podcasts (BiggerPockets has some AWESOME ones) and listen to audio books to limit your mistakes.
We live in the Information Age! People did this stuff long before the Internet and before people cared enough to write books to help others. All we have to do is take advantage of the knowledge passed on to us and keep pressing forward! We have no excuses to not be successful, it's all mapped out for us.
Good luck! I hope that ramble helped a little. Haha.
Warmest regards,
Matthew Fragassi