Originally posted by @Allan Smith:
something seems off about those numbers. With outrageous taxes like that, I dont know how you would end up with $250 per month in cash flow. Dont forget 8% vacancy, capex, maintenance, insurance, and possibly mgmt. If cash flow is important I'd be a lot closer to $150k on that one.
It would be great for someone to double check my math and assumptions. I solved for purchase price based on getting a cash ROI of 10%.
The assumptions that I used to get a cash flow of $283.49 per door were as follows:
Purchase Price: $263,803 (the variable that I would like to solve for)
Down Payment: 20% ($52,761)
Immediate Improvements/Rehab: $10,000
Closing Costs: 2% of purchase price ($5,276)
Finance Amt: $211,042
Interest Rate: 4.749%
Mortgage Years: 30
Mortgage Payment (Just P&I): $1,101
Property Tax: $12,391/year
HO Insurance: $960/year
Utilities: $2,100/year
Maintenance & Repairs: $2,000/year
Vacancy: 5% of rental income
Property Management: 6% of income
CapEx: $2,544/year
My calculations then left me with a NOI of $20,013, Cap Rate of 7.59%, Cash Flow of $6,804, and Cash ROI of 10%.