So just wanted to give an update on the Airbnb plus program and my experience through the process. It was definitely an experience lol. After finally going through the inspection, photo session and completing minor fixes that Airbnb required to upgrade to plus, I finally went live with the new upgraded plus listing about 3 weeks ago. The platform is definitely a lot nicer and more professional and the pictures turned out pretty good. You also get better ranking in search results which Ive noticed as well. It’s still a little early to see if upgrading to plus leads to more bookings (though I’ve gotten 3 or 4 new reservations since then, even with an issue I had. I’ll explain later). You do lose a lot of control when it comes to the pictures. You can’t change the cover photo. You can’t change the order of the photos or modify any of them. You can “hide” photos though. Other issues I have is the platform is a little buggy. For example, if you play around with the Airbnb app, you can get into settings where you can possibly “delete” or “edit” a photo which apparently your not supposed to be able to do. This was my big mistake. Before going live, Airbnb sends you the new plus listing for review. When I got it, I played around with it to see what user capabilities I had. So I tried “editing” my cover photo. Doing so, removed my cover photo and changed it to a random picture I had in my listing (it wasn’t so attractive). I had no control to change it back. So I called Airbnb and explained the issue. It’s a little confusing because you would think they handle everything in house. No. Any photo issues or technical issues with the plus platform goes to their “Onboarding” team which I believe is a 3rd party contracted by Airbnb. There is no number to them and Airbnb reps themselves have no direct communication to them either other than through email. Weird. I was told that since everything is still so new and with such a high demand for Plus, they can’t keep up. I can confirm that it took them 3 weeks to finally contact me with a fix. So after all is said and done, if I was asked would I do it again? I don’t know, I’d maybe wait. Its cool being part of their roll out here in my city but I think there are a few kinks they need to hammer out with the platform to make it more host access friendly and they definitely need to improve on their lead time in fixing issues. I think it will get better in time and through trial and error.