Hi @Tee H. I'm currently working with several out of state buyers in the vacation market. I just closed on one in Windsor Hills this week and making offers in Windsor Westside and Solara. There are definitely pros and cons and risks involved, but those can be mitigated to reduce if you have a great team, the right property in the right neighborhood. Some perform vastly different from others simply based on location and ability of the type of property manager you choose, type of theming/amenities offered etc.
The market here is about to explode as soon as planes start flying and bringing people back, so it could be a very lucrative time, but it is an investment, so weigh those risks against other things you are considering. I can tell you some of the larger homes 6,7,8 bedrooms can generate 80-100k a year in revenue for a single home.
Happy to have a conversation with you about what I'm experiencing while helping people in real time. Reach out if you would like to discuss anything further. I hope this helps.