Hi, I was wondering what is a good approach for emailing FSBOs on Craigslist to find motivated sellers. Is it better to say "fair price" and not mention "cash offer". On the other hand, if a property has a photo and the property appears to be in good, pristine condition, it seems one would not offer an all cash offer for this type of property, since sellers are looking for top dollar. Should one mention that he is an "investor" or not, just a regular buyer?
I was thinking of something short and sweet to draw some interest to see if the FSBO may be open to doing an all cash deal, if not then maybe a L/O or seller financing deal. Any thoughts? Thanks.
"Hi, I saw your property on Craigslist. I'm looking to buy an investment property in the area and planning to pay cash and close quickly. If your price is negotiable, please call me. 123-4567 Thanks, Bob"
"Hi, my name is Bob and I saw your house on Craigslist. I'm interested in buying your property at 123 Main St. If you would like a quick no hassle sale at a fair price, please cal me. 123-4567 Thanks, Bob"