My response was more directed to Randal's question. As mentioned, I don't often deal with 2nds, but what I would do is stress to Chase that WF will only pay $5K (provide documentation), the home owner does not have the other $10K (provide documentation, even if already provided in initial package), and show that the homeowner could not handle the payments on a note for the balance (again, provide documentation showing how that would play out based on current income and monthly obligations). Documenting that they can't get blood out of a stone. I would then stress that $5K is better than the alternative, which is nothing, and that the home owner is trying to satisfy the debt to the best of his financial ability without resorting to the obvious option to eliminate his debt after foreclosure. All you can do is play hardball back, and if that fails, try to get to a supervisor who may be more interested in the concept that something is better than nothing.