I came across this ad on Craigslist today:
"If you are already set up and doing BPOs, how would you like to stop having to do all the work yourself and have someone do it for you?
We have set up a network of personnel all over the Chicago area to complete the BPO process, all we need from you is the work and we'll complete them for you!
With our system and trained personnel, you can multiply the number of BPOs you are able to get paid for by a multiple of at least 10!
We do ask that you QC the work but in 99% of the orders, there are no entries requiring your attention, just your submittal.
Either you can get the orders through your login or we can, we do the work, you QC it and get paid!
This proven method will line your pockets with new found cash.
Send us your information for an immediate response."
First time I have seen this type of service. Seems like it would make it much more difficult to influence the BPO on short sales, particularly when you don't have access to the real BPO agent at the time of the walk through. Trying to track down the agent, getting the comps and supporting docs to him/her, and developing some kind of repore over the phone before the BPO is submitted would be a challenge to say the least.
Anyone run into this type of situation? I had one BPO where they sent a photographer out to take pictures, and I had to make him promise to give the agent the docs. I called him to make sure he had, and then called the agent. I got him on his cell phone as he was about to board a flight out of state, and he was not too happy to hear from me. You can guess how that one ended.