@Tucker Cummings in reading your initial post it sounds like both you and your wife are still employed with the companies that run these 401k's. If that's the case then it is highly unlikely that you will be able to take a distribution from them, as 401k plans only allow distributions for "distributable events". Typically these events are retirement/no longer working for that employer, death, disability, or reaching retirement age (usually 62). Some plans do allow for early withdrawals for those age 59 1/2 or older, but that still doesn't help you. Additionally, there are hardship distributions which, if your plan allows for them, might help you if you were looking to buy a home you were going to live in (one type of hardship allows for you to take distributions for downpayment of primary residence) but it sounds like you're looking to buy an investment property, not a primary residence. You're best bet for getting money out of your 401k and into real estate would be to take a loan instead, however you need to check with your HR rep to see if your plan allows for loans as many plans don't. With a 401k loan you don't pay any taxes (unless the loan isn't repaid before you quit/retire/leave, then it converts to a distribution which gets taxed) and any interest on the loan is interest you are paying yourself as it goes back into your 401k. The downside is that most loan lives are capped at 5-years to repay, though occasionally a plan will allow loans for primary residences that are extended to 15-year repayments. Good luck with your real estate journey!