Hi there,
I am one of the lead plaintiffs on the lawsuit so I can answer questions you may have. Basically, the State of Florida did not pass a law allowing short term rentals for all this last session as many believe. The City of Daytona believes that they fall under a Grandfather status and that Short-term rentals are only allowed in basically the T1 zone (where the hotels are). We don't agree with them.
Right now STRs in Daytona that are in residential areas are considered "illegal" by the city (again, we don't agree). If we win, then STRs would be regulated (as we are proponents of that) to include safety items like fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, require registration and emergency contact info). What would not be regulated is the duration and frequency of rental. Both long and short term rentals would still have to abide by parking ordinances, trash ordinances and noise ordinances.
Lawsuits take a loooonnnggg time and we have made great strides but still have ways to go to resolution. As anyone in or near Daytona knows, we desperately need investors and cash infusions to turn this town around so as an investor and resident of Daytona Beach, I wholeheartedly support this being allowed. Let me know any questions you have.