@Kyle Scholnick @Jerome Daughtrey
The 2 hardest things to discern from any property management agreement are the dilligence of their screening process and what they actually charge you to maintain/rehab property. Forget the percent of rents number (management fee) it can be destroyed by maintenance costs. We really focus on things like prior rent history. In the inner city as mentioned, cash flow is good but there are also a lot of skilled liars when it comes to filling out an application. If we can't verify that the rent was actually paid to the owner on the tax records we deny the app. If something is janky like a faked pay stub or suspect story of why they left their last residence we deny.
DISTRUST and verify is the best course in screening tenants. You don't want to be thinking you are talking to their former landlord when your really talking to their uncle/buddy.
I am a 37 year resident of Kansas City working for a property management company, in business since 2003. The 2 details mentioned above make the difference between cash flow and cash-no!