Hello! This question is for full-time real estate investors who do not have anyone in their family receiving a W2 (i.e. no employees).
I quit my "W2 job" in December 2018 and our family now manages our real estate full time. We are currently on Liberty Share which is a healthcare sharing ministry that avoids the Obamacare ACA requirements and therefore has a very low premium (about $500/month for entire family). If you haven't heard of this, I recommend you check it out. If you have experience with it, would love to hear your thoughts, but that's not my main question.
I was looking into an Health Savings Account (HSA) which looks like a great option as well for minimizing medical costs (since most non-premium payments can be deducted via an HSA) but You must have a high deductible health insurance plan to qualify for an HSA. We don't qualify for an HSA because the healtcare sharing ministry does not qualify as health insurance.
This got me thinking ... would we better off getting rid of the healthcare sharing ministry and going with a cheap, high-deductible traditional insurance plan combined with an HSA? I thought that Trump came out with new options of affordable high-deductible health insurance plans but I can't seem to find anything. Again, we do not have W2s so can't qualify for an HRA or anything that requires you to be an employee. We are also in California which may play a factor.
What do other investors do for health insurance? Do you know what the cheapest highest deductible plan is out there? Can it beat the ministry's $500/month plan for a family of 4?
Thank you!