I have a tenant that submitted his 30 day notice to end his lease which put his termination date at March 31. His employer (US Gov) started enforcing a mandatory telework policy and travel restriction. The travel restriction states that the employee has to undergo a mandatory 14 quarantine if they travel further than 100 miles from primary residence or work place. Simple right? Well, tenant never updated his personnel records to reflect his current address which is 2 miles from base and still has his parents' address as his primary address which is >100 miles away.
So the employer put him on a mandatory 14 day quarantine because of his address on record and informed him that he is not allowed to his actual residence because it would violate the travel restriction and result in termination. he's showed them his lease but they don't care because he never updated his official personnel record. I used to work at his same agency and know a lot of people still there. They confirmed that this is actually going on so I know he isn't lying.
So now he is at his parents' house and can't vacate his unit by the 31st or until the employer lifts the restriction.
I granted him an termination extension until the end of April and am not requiring rent from him for April but will start charging rent if it extends past April. I did not have a new tenant lined up to move in after him as I am out of country and haven't been able to take care of some issues at the property before it is rent ready again.
Did I do the right thing and what other contingency plans should I start thinking about?