Hey everyone!
It seems that no one has posted this sort of question in at least over a month, so I figured maybe this would be interesting for folks watching this forum.
I guess basic info in case others are wondering, Dreamhost is where my website is hosted, once I have a property under management I will connect it to my domain, which I purchased using Namecheap.
Anyways, I have my website built out, and I'm thinking what else should be on it. My tenant's will be required to pay rent and submit maintenance requests using TenantCloud, and so I have a link at the top of my page that brings them to the TenantCloud login screen. I'm also going to be adding a link to download our rental application at the top as well to make it easy.
Then in the next section on my home page I have a spot for any available units, and then under that a section for pictures of our owned properties.
Then at the bottom I have our business contact information and ask them to submit a rental application to us if they're interested. Then under that, I have, "Conrad Rentals, LLC does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and disability."
It seems to me like that should be about everything that should be on a page?
Next-Social media. Now, I feel like this can be a double edged sword, because we all know that people love to post crap about you. I have an unpublished FaceBook business page, but I'm wondering if anyone else uses social media as well. I was thinking that would also be a place where available units can be posted (and shared) and then it brings them to our website for them to download and submit an application. I don't know if any other social media platforms would make sense (Twitter, Instagram etc), but I curious to hear what others are going.