All of our 2-flats in chicago generate $10k per year in passive income using conventional lender with around $50k down payment for 25% down payment requirement. To acquire 10 over time you will need $250k in cash plus verifiable income from a job to qualify for the loans. Assuming a 5 year roll up you need $150k in starting cash from your current job to buy 10 over 5 years. Here is how it works.
Year 1: buy 3 with $150k in savings that each generate $10k per year
Year 3: buy 2 with $60k earned from first 3 purchased in year 1 (you will only need $60k vs $100k with creative financing). Now you have 5 generating $50k per year passive income
Year 4: buy 2 with the $50k again creative financing available now you have 7 or $70k per year coming in
Year 5: buy 3 more with $70k again creative financing now you have 10 total and you reach your goal
Creative financing is utilizing short term hard money with loan that rolls over to 30 years when rehab and leasing is done which lowers your out of pocket expense from $50k per 2-flat to $25k per building which gets you more buildings faster. The trick to all of this is finding the right properties like a market here in chicago that you can consistently buy the $10k per year in cash flow. I'm executing this exact strategy for several of my clients now so if you want to see how it works ring me. You don't have to buy in chicago with this strategy but you will have to search around for turnkey companies that have ample 2-flats to make your goal work. Hope this helps and happy hunting!