Hey Ashley, getting preapproved for a loan is the first step. If you aren't ready to be preapproved, you aren't the best use to an agent's time. When a customer calls me wanting to look at homes, it's the first questions I ask. Normally, I don't show homes before seeing the pre approval. I'm like, this ain't HGTV, Free Uber Edition. Truth is, being a real estate agent is more about focusing of value making activities, while getting calls from individuals looking to get information for it's lowest cost, Free.99. I am positive, if you wanted to have a paid consultation any realtor would be give you their undivided attention. In Atlanta, properties are disappearing so quickly, if you aren't ready to make the move, you aren't in the best use for the agents time. I have listings and buyings getting homes under contract in 24 hours. I do wish you the best in your home search! BTW, Invest Atlanta is good if you plan on living in the same home over 10 years, if you move before that they will take out a chunk of your equity when you sell.