We do all of those! Personally, I always recommend to investors to mix up their portfolios so that they do not have "all of their eggs in one basket". Much like investing in the stock market, you should spread out your investments over several different strategies so you are better prepared for the cyclic real estate market.
Right now, multi family is the hottest market. However, the market in Kansas City is quickly becoming saturated with multi family projects and the banks are already showing signs of pulling back on lending for new multi family deals.
At the same time, the residential market continues to slowly rebound which is causing the Flip market to start to heat up. I haven't seen this level of interest in flip properties in the Kansas City market since 2008! I expect to see this trend continue for the next few years.
Wholesale deals and long term rentals are always good to mix into your investing strategy. There are plenty of these types of deals all over KC.
As for commercial, the hottest market right now is mixed use buildings. There are several projects going on in the Kansas City market where either under performing areas of the city or completely new areas in the suburbs are being converted to mixed use. As its name suggests, mixed use buildings/projects contain multiple types of structures/tenants. The most common and most simply use of this it to have a building with retail shops on the first floor and multi unit housing on the upper floors. Zona Rosa and the Plaza are large scale examples of this. There is a new project going on in the River Market that will be a small mixed use development.
In a nutshell, its a great time to be investing in real estate in the Kansas City area!