Thanks for the insight, Arn! I have a good portion of my team built already, so we're in the phase of dialing in numbers using the intel we gather from my team. They have been very helpful in this aspect. Our partners will be vital resources when we go to underwrite our potential deals. My goal is to have built good enough rapport with 10+ brokers so I can schedule breakfast/lunch/dinner appointments on my visit to the market. I'm hoping these efforts will jumpstart deal flow.
Originally posted by @Arn Cenedella:
I would rephrase and add to @Matthew Irish-Jones comment.
On 5+ units, the property qualifies for the loan not the individual so it is hard to get a pre-approval prior to finding a property. The loan is based on property NOI not individual income. That being said, I would make connection with commercial loan agents to understand how the loan approval process works for 5+ units and show broker you have a lender ready to go. In addition, commercial lenders are also a good source of leads as well as referrals to property managers and insurance people.
So not only connect with brokers - but connect with property managers, insurance brokers, contractors and closing attorneys.
Get your team out together now so you will be ready when the time comes.
Trust me, if you go on a property tour and bring a known PM with you, the broker will probably already know the PM and it will be additional proof you know what you are doing and can actually bring a deal down. Send property financials to a lender and have them underwrite and analyze the deal - bring that with you - again it will show broker you have a team lined up. And again broker may very well know loan broker or company. If you show up with a debt analysis from CBRE or Lument that will increase respect.
Network and put the entire team in place.
Lean on those professionals to help you get your first deal.
And if you are going after bigger deals, consider partnering with someone who owns two or three other assets in that market area. Will bring credibility to you.