I'm more in favor of using my "WHY" as my North star for driving incremental decisions as opposed to a distant finite number where I consider myself to have "made it". In reality, I dont think many people would be happiest to work their tail off, hit their number, and then abruptly quit all "work". My WHY is to create flexibility, low stress, ultimately to maximize by ability to be a good father, husband, and friend.
This led to some tough decisions of selling personally owned rentals, paying some taxes, declining deals that would have made money but caused stress, and moved cash to more passive strategies luke syndications and dividend paying stocks. It also means a goal of having lower to no debt, even primary residence, which many would justifiably scoff at.
I've found this to provide what I seek, and allowed me to take a role at a startup company for a mission I'm passionate about. I work very hard, but I dont worry about my income as much, job loss, or the company going under. Its also allowed my wife to choose to work part time at the expense of rising her corporate ladder and much higher income. If you handed me $10 million today, I'm not sure our life would look terribly different other than increasing our generosity (Id like to think).
For us, a slower path to "FIRE" is much more comfortable, allows us to live well now, and hopefully also live well later whenever our energy declines.