@Mark Allen none taken friend! i am always aware of competition (especially in our market DFW) and look forward to it. 23 calls is a lot! i will push to get that many letters out, or perhaps more ;) also, have you had any luck getting probate information in dallas? it seems impossible to get the kind of lists like you can in collin, tarrant and denton county. they all allow you to search online or go to the courthouse for more in depth information (wills, testaments etc). i try calling the probate office and i never get an answer, let me know how your experience in dallas county has been!
@Cameron Tope all of the larger cities you just mentioned are definitely getting attention. what is it like in your area? ive never been around the katy area but its semi close to houston i believe?
@Rick H. thanks a lot for your input! i plan to stand out in a number of ways.
Another thing i was hoping yall might discuss, do you guys know any good property inspectors, escrow officers, as well as probate attorneys? i would like to know what to do when a property owner may be looking to sell but theyre stuck in the probate process. do you need to hire an attorney to get this information? would it be a good idea to hire attorney solely for your business? thanks for the information guys its incredibly helpful!