"The #1 thing the "west" had over BRICS was a moral superiority."
LOL, no, not even close (but maybe also that). The west has far more democracies, better ability to depose of leaders, less dictators, more equal rights, greater transparency, more accessible property rights that are enforced in courts, more trustworthy banking systems. . . The list goes on. The countries in the East where this is also true tend to be more cozy with the US than they are with China.
Try wearing a Ukraine flad in Russia or a Free Tibet or Uiygur shirt in China and let us know how that goes for you.
"not to mention the US going hard HARD Left with ultra lgbtqxrz15qqfsdb"
I agree that this is crap is absurd, but that has little to do with global currency trading and trust is foreign banks and currency markets.
"And when you say China is dependent on west for resources, is resource poor..... Sorry, done right there because you obviously are clueless and just talking out your arse."
I said they were dependent on the world for resources, not the west. That's why they invest so heavily in Africa and other nations. If every country were cut off from each other, China would have a tougher go at going alone than many.
"Tech is reliant on China. Do your research, real actual research, learn a thing or two on this"
More of your condescending garbage. Do I need to post photos of my passport stamps? Happy to do so. The US and Taiwan lead the world in semiconductor technology.
"I don't know what you mean when say it's easy to prop up countries from afar. Are you meaning me? Oh, sorry, last time I was in a BRICS nation was January, 2024.... Yuuup, so, you assumed wrong, yet again."
No, another one of your reading comprehension fails and false assumptions. I'm saying the grass is always greener. Autocratic governments tend to have even more issues because the issues are hidden from the public and nobody within those institutions wants to risk pushing them up the chain to get solved.
"Look, your clearly not open to any facts so this is pointless. I have lent facts, you reply with opinions, this is just go on forever long as your locked into opinion bias. "
More projection. My point is that you are pointing out everything that is wrong with the US while saying that everything else in the rest of the world is rainbows and unicorns. My point is that we all have our problems, it's simply easier to notice our own because we live here and we have a free media that can talk about them openly.
"Me, personally, I am NOT a fan of BRICS, not in the least. But I am a realist, I accept things for what they are and move forward. I am results based. And those facts are the US is loosing, and we have idiots in charge because we select idiots, who's focus is there personal power, personal enrichment, not the job, the country, the long term ramifications."
And again- these countries are run by geniuses who do everything right? Many Latino immigrants in the US lived through bank appropriations in the 70-00s. China and Russia don't even pretend to have an honest banking system. Do you really think that the rest of the world is going to trust countries with that track record?