Originally posted by @Quang Tran:
@Antonio Coleman Thanks for your comment on this thread, I appreciate it! Why would an investor want to sell someone his or her property that he or she can profit off of?
@Jonathan Makovsky Thank you for the comment! Any pointers, tips or tricks to how I can start learning new things rather than just reading book after book (although I dont mind reading and will continue to read). Im looking for a mentor at the moment but seem to be having troubles.
If you don't have the money to invest, you will need something else to compensate for that - my recommendation is become an expert in both general real estate and local real estate.
General RE: know all of the terms, how real estate cycles work, financials (this is a MUST), what your end user wants [whether that's a homeowner, a tenant, a rehabber, etc.],
Local RE: You need to know your local real estate market and you can learn that by reading the local newspapers (both general and business) and one of the best ways to learn what I found to learn what's going on locally is by following newspapers, journalists and towns on Twitter, also head to your local town hall and speak to the P&Z dept., EcoDev and other dept's to see what's going on in the town's you want to invest.
I don't think there's a scientific approach to learning this except for putting in a lot of efficient hours (like the 10,000 hour rule that Malcolm Gladwell discussed in his book), so it needs to be a combination of books, networking, speaking to local builders, Realtors, investors, attorneys, CPA's, insurance agents, and every other person needed in a real estate deal will get you where you need to go.
For most, it's hard beginnings to get in the game but there is likely a payoff if you can stay in it long enough.
[My recommendation is to stay in school and try to keep your student and personal debt low. While there is a very good argument for leaving college, it might severely limit your options if going on your own doesn't work out for you.]
Best of luck!