I read as much as I could stomach, but the thing that sticks with me is that you are asking a seller for 2-2.5% assistance at closing and then also putting very strict deadlines on her? Everyone has told you that it's you being way too emotional and then you respond by saying you are just a business person. So are we. I do everything exactly the opposite of how you handled this. It's been on the market five days, why does she care? I don't know your market, but a 3-family for under 200k, 5 days on the market is going to get plenty more action and all you are doing by being so aggressive is telling her that. You have to be willing to walk away and not care. I put strict deadlines on deals also, but I don't hound them. I just walk away and wait for them to call. If they don't, no big deal. You will develop a very bad reputation with these pressure tactics, not only with sellers, but with agents who help you and on the other side.