I must say I was very skeptical of Renatus myself after attending their meetings. I was even more skeptical of the Than Merril program though, which they seemed to be modeled off of. I have been wholesaling for two months now in the Los Angeles area though, and the first deal that I’m about to put to bed was done in partnership with my buddy from Renatus that introduced me to them in the first place. We both did real estate school at Tulane University in New Orleans, so I trust his judgement. He says their system has worked wonders for him. I’m thinking of giving them a second shot after this. However, I talked to an accountant friend of mine and he told me to be wary of the heavy debt based model that they promote that’s based on the use of HELOC’s to build your wealth. He referred to it as a house of cards that could fall at any moment. I think that as long as you separate the wheat from the shaft so to speak when you enter their program (meaning utilize the network and the good advice and discard the bad) you can make a positive experience out of it. I just may give them a try.