Wow! Thanks to everyone for the really terrific comments. BP and your input is really invaluable.
To catch everyone up, I decided NOT to pursue the property at the Sheriff's Sale because I didn't want to tie up my capital during the redemption period, @Raj Gandhi. I love the idea of purchasing "Subject To" and I wish that I had thought of that earlier in the game, @David Moore.
I also like the idea of purchasing the redemption rights, @Jason M., but I'm not clear on how that works. What are the mechanics of that type of deal?
Over the weekend, I thought of a deal structure where I would pay the owner's asking price. She would loan back $60k at 6% interest-only payments. That would have been a win-win for both parties. She receives her desired price and I get the property at a great net price. Unfortunately, when I called to talk this morning, she said that she thought she had the property sold.
I'll type up my offer and put it in the mail for her in case that one falls through.
Thanks again, everyone, for the great thoughts and help!