How would you handle tenants panel box access with the following scenario: I have an up/down duplex with an apartment on the 1st floor and one on the 2nd floor. I only have two electric meters so there are technically no common areas. Panel boxes for both units are in the basement. The basement is accessible via a stairwell from the 1st floor apartment or a cellar door from the outside. Washer/dryer for 1st floor apartment is in the basement and it could also be used to store things.
I am struggling with how to go about giving 2nd floor tenants access to their panel box. Here are some options I have thought of but I'm also open to other suggestions:
1. Tell 2nd floor tenants they need to knock or get permission from 1st floor tenants if they need to access their panel.
2. Tell the 1st floor tenant that 2nd floor tenant has permission to access panel in basement via the cellar door if needed. They would not be able to access the apartment since the door at the top of the steps locks. The downside with this is the 1st floor tenant may not feel comfortable storing anything down there if 2nd floor tenant can access it. Also that would technically make the basement a common area but I only have 2 electric meters.
3. Not sure if this would be worth the cost or not but I also thought about installing some sort of partition such as a chain link fence so that the 1st floor tenant has access to most of the basement and their panel box and the 2nd floor tenant would have access via the cellar door to get to their panel box. Then I can install a switch and light on that side so they are not using 1st floor tenants electric.
Any thoughts and/or other ideas would be greatly appreciated.