Let me tell you what is really dumb.
1. Coming to the WHOLESALING BOARD and then telling people wholesaling is dumb
2. Coming to a wholesaling board and then telling people, wholesaling(ers) are dumb thereby insulting probably half the people, calling them, and their dreams and passions "dumb"
Just saying...
Let me tell you what is NOT dumb.
If you don't like wholesaling, don't go to the wholesaling board where people want to learn how to do it the right way. They want to learn.
Guys, it is like every other post is from people crapping on wholesaling. Do you seriously not see how retarded this is?
So if you think wholesaling is done the wrong way, then TEACH them to do it the right way!
Why be such a depressing negative force on the board where people come to be inspired to do it the right way.
Wholesaling is NOT sending texts blasts. Wholesaling is not, pestering cash buyers with lousy deals. etc. etc. Those are People that don't know how to wholesale.
Wholesaling is getting a property under market value, and then assigning that contract to a cash buyer so they provide the cash buyer and the seller with value. Everyone thinks wholesaling is a free, no money needed strategy that magically will make you rich... OK tell them show them how it is done. But if you say wholesaling is dumb... it is YOU that is dumb, because many people are making a fortune wholesaling. That alone proves you are wrong right?
Let me ask you something.
Would you appreciate it if I brought you a deal 10% of the ARV (so if the house is $100K I get it under contract for $10K) where you would make $70K in profits in just 7 weeks?
THAT is wholesaling. Not because so many do it wrong does it mean everyone is wrong or should stop doing it.,
Stop whining and start contributing, or just stay out of the wholesaling forum!