Hi Ty, I'm new to investing too, so I'll probably not be the best adviser right now, however i'll tell you what has worked for me and given me early wins so far:
Study, Learn, Gain Knowledge, Absorb as much as you possibly can. Investing is not an art open to interpretation but a science that you can perfect in order to produce repeatable results.
Understanding What constitutes a good deal, developing solid Due Diligence and Deal Structuring systems. All this can be learned, start small first then build yourself up as you gain the experience.
Wholesaling is not bad but it can be bad if you get into it without a solid knowledge of what a good deal is. I personally whole sale but not just for the sake of wholesaling, by all means, have every intention to close if it comes to that, let it be a deal so good that even you wish you could invest in it yourself, that way, even if you need to close, the quality of the deal will be irresistible to many a Private money or Hard money lender. Just my two cents....I'm still learning.