Quote from @Rachel Weiss:
in the case you are describing where you put money into an event, making a large amount of money seems to be appropriate given the risk you took with that 50k.
In my case, the towns are extremely desirable and there are tons of buyers eager for any remodeled home. so why is a realtor that makes 2 showings and pushes a few papers deserving of 60k pay? I cannot for the life of me understand this. There is absolutely no out of pocket cost to them and they take 0 risk.
I understand your sentiment there.. But realtors are used to making money . They dont get into RE to make wages like your thinking they get into it to make big money .. So for top flight agents again they simply will decline your offer.. And on top of that many times their brokerages simply wont allow them to take listings for less. Keep in mind there is over head for agents and brokers its not like they pocket the entire 60k or 10k your offering.
I am a Broker and work for myself so I can set my rates up or down.. Many agents cant and then depending on the market agents are still on splits with their brokerages not flat fee like we have out west.. So they may have to split that 10k your offering with the house so really they are only making 5k.. There is risk in selling real estate thats why agents have E O insurance lots of lawsuit come out of these transactions so its not 0 risk.
So I dont know the city or market your in or what is customary in your market.. Keep in mind a lot of real estate brokerage will follow customary paths on how they charge and do business.
Like out West here my Wife hangs her license with a flat fee Broker who only charges something like 200.00 a month so she pays it annually and there is NO split with the Broker and something like a 100.00 transaction fee. But she has a transaction coordinator she pays 400.00 per file for out of her pocket plus nice Christmas bonus
So you find a newbie agent that is just happy to get a listing and will work for your 10k but will their broker allow it ?? thats the first question.. Then you get an independant Broker ( solo) like me who can fix my rate any way I want to.. ( if you can find one of those) And again its a process of looking around and negotiating.. One thing I have always loved about being a RE Broker is I am NEVER forced to work for anyone ever..
So suggestion google flat fee broker in your market see if one exits and if your product is that hot negotiate the fee.. Dont be intimidated to negotiate the thing that can happen will be a Polite no from the agent.. The best thing will be they agree..
Also if you using the same agent to find the house and they make a fee and then list back then some discount is warranted there if you doing more than one every few years.