Hi Cam - there's a lot to digest from this post, but I'll start off by saying you definitely have your 'why' nailed down. To want to provide for your dad while at the same time aiming to not be in the same situation as he is down the road is very pro-active of you. You are certainly in the right place to learn how to use real estate as a vehicle to do that, but sometimes it is tough to get your family on board with your plan. I'm assuming you listen to the bp podcasts as well? If you stumble across a good one that touches on a similar plan to what you are trying to accomplish, maybe see if your Dad would be willing to listen to it as well.
Have you attended any networking events to start to develop relationships? You will definitely be able to find investors who have already accomplished what you're trying to do, as well as lenders, attorneys, agents, etc that could all potentially help you get to where you need to go. Many are virtual these days, but some are meeting up in person. Check the Network>Events tab for some options.