As a newbie, I can see both sides and I believe it depends on the individual. Sure, no one wants to pay exorbitant fees for the same information that is already out there for a fraction of the price or free but how does someone new know where to start?? How do I go from A to Z?? Who is going to walk me through the steps?? Who do I ask question to?? Sure, I can find a multitude of information and piece it together and put it into action, but then what?? Who will answer my question?? Oh, there's Dave, I can ask him, he doesn't mind. Got my answer...oh, got another question. Crap, Dave's not available who do I ask now?? How do you call on people who don't know you and you don't know and say "Teach me to be an investor?" I tried to get a couple of real estate agents to do comps for me. One was too busy, another wouldn't return my calls, a third wanted to charge me $50 for each one. I told each of them that as I grow they would be the ones I would want to work with for any deals that I cannot wholesale. You see how interested in that they were, so I went and paid for someone to teach me how to be a real estate broker and I got my license. I don't want to go through in REI what I went through in just trying to find a broker to work with. I don't want to pay thousands of dollars to buy this and that course, who know if these guys and gals are giving me what I need anyhow, but would it be any different trying to rely on a network of people who I don't know and don't know me and I don't know if they have the time, patience or even desire to teach me anything let alone hold my hand through a few deals. There's definitely pros and cons to both, just a matter of choices and perspectives.