I contacted @Scott Smith of Royal Legal Solutions here on BP and told him I would like to discuss structuring my business. He said to give him my email address and phone number which I did.
3 or 4 days went by.
Instead of calling me or emailing me, he apparently handed my number off to someone in the Philippines named Edward Losloso. Edward emailed me and said that he has been trying to get a hold of me by phone. (1) I never asked Edward to call me (2) My email clearly works... why didn't he try that after the call failed? (3) When I said my phone never rang, he listed my phone number and it had two number reversed. (despite my giving Scott the correct number.)
I emailed Edward the correct number, and waited several more days. Edward never called. So I tried calling the number listed in Edward's emails, but he never answered. (He was probably sleeping since it was 2am in the Phillipines.)
So I went on https://www.royallegalsolutions.com/freellc and called the number in the text below the video. I received a recording: "You have reached a non-working number..."
So then I went to https://www.royallegalsolutions.com and called the number at the top of the page, listened to Scott narrate his own menu, and pressed #2 "to inquire about our services". No answer. I called back later, still no answer. So I left a message with only my first name, my work number and what I wanted. (Mind you this information was different from what Edward had...)
A week later, no calls from anyone.
So then I went to https://royallegalsolutions.com/product/consultation/ and paid $150 for a free consultation. I figured if I actually PAID for a service, then I could get Scott to call me, right? After I paid, I saw this screen:
3 days went by... at which point I wrote to them and asked for a refund since I had not heard from anyone.
If any anyone knows an attorney that can provide better service than this, please let me know.