@Sarah Buchanan OMG!! This is definitely a wake up call for all of the landlords on here. Very scary.
I am a dog lover but I believe humans come first!! It’s unfortunate the dog is as aggressive as it is, and it’s probably been either abused, or a fighter dog, but if it’s possessing a threat to humans, it needs to go~ and I am very upset that your animal control handled it so poorly. I mean what if the dog did get your husband on the right trigger point on his neck? That’s so scary, or what if it got a little kid somewhere? There has been incidences where landlords been sued for tenants stupidity, I would hope your never sued because of their dogs...
I would definitely evict them (even if the dog is gone, they didn’t disclose their dogs behavior, they are not trustworthy ppl) but even if it’s somewhat costly, I would make your lawyer go after the authorities to make sure that dog is gone.... and I would go after their insurance company to get the compensations back. And payment for your husbands injuries plus more!!!
I am seriously so sorry to hear about his injuries and I hope he recovers soon.