Hi Donald,
In most states, in order to manage a property for someone else for a fee the person needs to be licensed (or employed by a prop mgmt company of which someone there in the organization has a brokers license). I would never hire someone who thinks this is just a desk job and try to train them yourself. Sure, show apartments and entering rent deposits are basic customer service and administrative type things- but think about things like Fair Housing and other legalities involved.
When I started working in property management a few years ago, I had no background in it. I was hired by a prop mgmt company and had a regional manager to train me, but I kid you not- when I got the job and before I started I literally read "Property Management for Dummies", just because I wanted to start somewhere with terminology and what I could expect and all. I now work with a well known multifamily developer, and training and education is always ongoing, and I am supported my many chains of command.
I would never hire someone with no real estate license or property management background to manage my assets. To me, that would be like trusting a person that can cut grass to run it the way that it should, handle day to day, tenant relations, not getting into legal trouble, etc.
If you do not want to self manage, please just do your research and find a good real estate company that has a management arm. They are out there.
So, what's to prevent you from just hiring anyone and training them, you ask?--> Hopefully the good business sense that I know you have! Also the desire to not create MORE risk for yourself :)