This is a very good question and many wonderful answers have been written here. My personal opinion is that I believe anyone can learn anything they want, for free, with the resources we have available here in 2014. There are libraries, the internet, YouTube, amazing forums like BP, and also the new MOOCs on sites like coursera among others. It really comes down to what YOU want to do. Having a degree certainly opens ups doors for you and allows you to fall upon a job if needed with much more ease (with a credible degree like finance, accounting, engineering, etc). Degrees shows OTHERS that you took classes and understood well enough to earn that degrees.
Look at the costs and make sure you feel it is worth it- BOTH the tuition and the opportunity cost as well which would be the money you could be making if you were doing something income producing rather than being in school.
I have a bachelors in economics. I really liked what I studied. Urban economics and my finance courses were my favorites. It has definitely helped me get opportunities so far in life , but it wasn't for at least til 5 years after graduating that I realized how much I wanted to work for myself and became very serious about pursuing RE Investing. Knowing what I know now, or rather had I felt then the way I feel now, I am not sure if I would've gone. Although I probably would have because it is seen as a big accomplishment in my family and I was the first college grad on my dads side of the family and the second on my moms side.
Do some soul searching through your motivations, and good luck in your decision making! Wish you the best! :)