I really like this topic. I loved the book written by Leigh Gallagher, which I presume indicated the title but if not- I highly recommend reading it!
I really believe a new urbanist movement is happening for many of the reasons noted in the book- smaller family sizes, couples opting to not have children, gasoline prices, costs of maintaining far flung infrastructure, etc. I dont believe this will be the case for EVERYONE or EVERYWHERE. Eventhough more and more often anyone can work from anywhere, I do believe more people are looking to interact, be involved, and be able to walk to places and such rather than being stuck our on some long country road. I, personally, can see the merits of that kind of quiet for a day or too but that is all I need. I dont want to go for a jog along a 55 mph road where there is no sidewalk.
As they say, to each their own, but I do think this is a slow movement that is perhaps somewhat reversing the "flight" from decades ago in some instances.