Experience comes first. More than a few people are out there trying to do a loan. Some people can but most do not understand the paperwork from APP to Closing. I recommended having a relationship to insure they make the most off of each deal.
We have a gentleman who recently has come to us and he is purchasing a property(plenty for down) and he has a 5 piece portfolio. I personally had a few conversations with him to show buying power. So 5 with a purchase turns into adding the purchase of 6 more properties. When done in about 90 days he should have 11 properties and still have money left over.
You must work for your clients first. More than you would think, clients ask for something and they don't see the expansion in what they have, for more residual and larger ROI as a whole. They can only see the deal infront of them and not 5 maybe 10 yrs down the road with 40 homes and a residual out the wa and the zu.
I love proper deal structure and a giving clients the proper info to make an educated decision on what's best for their business model. The conversations most of the time, clients build it themselves. They have never heard what they can do. It took conversation with the right person to realize what opportunity they have.