Since no immediate response has been made yet, I'll say it like this:
How do you veterans prioritize your weekly activities that generates your business? What brings you the most deals?
You rely on others/word of mouth, you hunt deals down yourself, or you wait for your marketing to take off.
I understand that it's a combination of that plus much more for most.....
But if you had to start over, knowing what you know now, in terms of LOCATING deals, how would you facilitate your weekly tasks in order, to maximize your efforts at the best bang for its buck? How would you ORGANIZE your business just starting out?
I know most of you didn't get rich by accident! Someone here is an organized creature of habit as I, that has gotten you to where you are now because of your repetitive, cyclical actions. I want your advice.
Someone throw this newb a frickin' bone! :)
Please request me as a colleague if you prefer to discuss privately.
Thanks a ton!