Christian, there's only cons to renting to couples. When I posted my spare rooms on craigslist I probably had about 4 couples inquire. They were all in the same situation, one person was on disability while the other worked. The way I thought about it was that one person would be home all day using utilities and actually be in the house more than me, the owner. You have to consider the foot traffic and use of appliances with potentially 6 additional people plus you and your fiancé. You also need to think about their property. Can they really fit all there belongings into one bedroom? Of course you don't want all their furniture in your living spaces. What if they argue? You have to listen to it. Moreover, if it takes 2 people to come up with $600.00 a month, they may not be the caliber of person you want sharing a roof with you and your fiancé. If you're new to this experience, choose wisely so you don't have a horrible experience. I'm attaching my house rules that potential roommates must agree to. I'm very strict and picky because the income is just bonus money, not a necessity to pay mortgagee.
House Rules
1. Common areas are to be kept clear of clutter, personal belongings and clothing.
2. Everyone is expected to clean up after themselves in a timely manner, to include but not limited to; doing dishes shortly after a meal is complete, putting items back in refrigerators or cabinets, etc.
3. No food or drinks are allowed on sofa or in bed, coffee table and computer desk is fine.
4. Guests are not allowed over during the weekdays. Guests will not be allowed over past 12:00AM on weekends. This is not a party house, we won’t allow several people coming and going throughout the week.
5. Your utilities are paid for, yet please be mindful of electricity and water usage. For example, try to avoid leaving lights on when you exit a room or opening windows while AC is running.
6. This is a smoke-free and drug-free home.
7. Housemates are responsible for their own food, drinks, condiments, cleaning supplies, hygiene supplies, etc. unless agreement is made or purchased as a shared item.
8. You are renting one bedroom and bathroom; these two areas are all yours, the master bedroom and 3rd bedroom are not to be entered. Everything else is considered shared spaces.
9. We will either schedule a time to have a deep cleaning session that works for everyone or have areas that we are each responsible for.
10. Additional furniture may not be brought into shared spaces with the exception of the basement which can be used as a storage area.
11. Sleeping hours are from 10:00PM – 6:00AM Sunday through Thursday, during this time, we expect to have tv’s, computers and conversations lowered.
12.All housemates will practice safety such as not walking away from stove while in use, not blocking exits, being mindful of candles and practicing common sense.