You have the right idea in regards to finding a "deal". The above mentioned package is going to require some significant work before it could get financed and be legal.
My suggestion to you is lock up the property with a Purchase Contract Option that is in effect for 2-3 years. Let the current owner continue to collect rents and conduct his/her business.
While you are in the Purchase Contract Option period:
- you can work on getting the SRO/rooming house legal.
- start working with local non-profits in the city of Newburgh and Orange County who could help you with managing Transitional/Temporary homes
- network with local government on any community development grants that they have to improve the area where the 3 building parcel is located.
The benefit of going the Purchase Contract Option route is that:
- You get time to legalize the building
- Limit your credit risk if you can't get the property to be legal/permitted
- You can improve a down trodden neighborhood in a big way which will further help with gentrification.
- Installing cameras outside of the building and working with local law enforcement can help with the drug dealers.
- You can also continue to look for good cash flowing deals that can be financed without having to the work similar to this one.
@John Hickey I can help you with the research part of non profits and grants. However, I can't help you with being physically present as I work full time and live down state.
Anyone else, feel free to chime in if you think what I said is an unrealistic, "Pie in the Sky" idea.