Each month we bring in a guest to share their experience as it relates to financial education and/or real estate investing. This meetup will offer actionable items you can start implementing to reach your financial goals. We top it off with a book give away related to this month's theme and a ton of opportunity to network with others that are on their way to financial independence! We welcome members of all experience levels.
This month, Jake & Jason will uncover the dark side of investing and entrepreneurship. Often times, we are exposed to the highlight reels through social media & TV shows. Not often do people share the ups and downs, the failures, mental battles, adversity, self doubt, and everything in between. We want to unpack all of it, so you know exactly what you're getting into and even more, know that you are not alone when facing these challenges!
This month's agenda:
1. Topic of the month: The dark side of investing and entrepreneurship
2. Seeds for Growth: Stay mentally healthy
3. Fuel for FIRE: Mindset and Motivation
4. Book giveaway: Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill
5. Open Networking
We have reserved the upstairs portion of Boulders on Broadway for this event. Food and drink are available at your own expense. This space has limited seating and we want to ensure we have enough space for all guests! Please RSVP and reserve your free ticket through the Eventbrite link provided.